Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Loving others - Paul Tripp

PaulTripp: We're called to serve one another in love, but only grace can dethrone the love of self that is in the way of our love of others.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Discipleship is truth transferred through relationship.

 Justin Buzzard

Thursday, March 8, 2012

RC Sproul - the Holiness of God and a boring church

How awesome is this place!" This was Jacob's response to being in the house of God. People do not normally feel that way in church. There is no sense of awe, no sense of being in the presence of One who makes us tremble. People in awe never complain that church is boring

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Transforming Prayer - Quote 15 (Last one)

Well folks this is the last of the quotes from Transforming Prayer, I hope you have found them useful and challenging,  


Prayer was not supposed to be the only thing the church did, just the first thing they did. That’s the way Jesus wanted it to be.