Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Typhoon Morakot

I thought I would share some images that will highlight the plight of the people that are being affected by Typhoon Morakot.  

 As you can see these are terribly distressing times. Please be in much prayer for these people and especially for out brothers & sisters in Christ who find themselves in difficulty as a result of this typhoon.


Thursday, August 6, 2009

Supporters of World Mission or Doers of World Mission?

These are photos of an unknown Amazon Basin tribe that are believed to have had no contact with the world, and in fact, there are believed to be over a 100 uncontacted tribes worldwide! An aerial survey unit discovered the tribe.

This got me thinking as to what strategy PEC (Plains Evangelical Church) has for reaching these tribes? Oh I don't mean what missionary organisation do we plan to support, I mean what are we going to do about it. I wonder if John's Command to not love the World in 1st John extends to realising that bringing up our kids with the notion to go to the ends of the world to face the possibility of death for the sake of the Gospel and for the Glory of our God is a valid ambition? Do we believe that among the many kids that we have around PEC now could be the person that God would use to reach this unknown group of people in the Amazon basin, and if we look at ourselves honestly, would we encourage our kids with this Godly desire? I know for myself I am not sure!

Lets pray that we are a church who not only support world missions, but also seek to become a part of world missions!

For the Glory of our God