Wednesday, September 23, 2009

For Those that might be Suffering - Octavious Winslow

Octavious Winslow is quick becoming one of my favourite writers, I thought I would share a quote that I read this morning in his devotional writings:

What is the glory of science—of learning—of rank—of wealth, but a tinseled pageant, a meteor blazing for a moment, and then disappearing in eternal night? But the glory that awaits the suffering Christian is a real, a substantial glory. At present it is veiled. The world sees it not; the believer only beholds it through faith's telescope. But the day of its full, unclouded revelation awaits us. It draws near. It will be a glory revealed in us. This truth may be startling to some. "What!" they exclaim, "a glory to be revealed in me! In me, who can scarcely reflect a solitary ray of light! In me, so dark, so sinful, living at so remote a distance from communion with the Father of lights! Can it be that in me this glory will be revealed?" So affirms the word of our God. If a child of the light, dwelling, it may be, in the world's shade, and often called to walk in great darkness, you shall one day outshine the brightness of the firmament and the stars forever and ever.
Be encouraged in your struggles this morning, YOU will one day outshine the firmament of the stars!  Meditate on that today and let the Holy Spirit encourage your soul.

God Bless.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Gay Church of Scotland Trainee Minister

Sadly, certain sections of the Church of Scotland have failed to adhere to the agreement reached at the General Assembly in May which instructed, Presbyteries to observe a moratorium on ordinations and inductions which might appear to prejudice the Special Commission on human sexuality before it reports.

Despite this agreement the church has nominated a homosexual man who is in a civil partnership for training for the ministry. It seems that some have already made up their minds as to the outcome of the Special Commission. You can get the whole story from the "Kirkmuirhill Rev" blog by following the links below:

Presbyterianism - RIP

Hamilton Presbytery - Revisited
Hamilton Headlines the Herald
Hamilton Bandwagon
The Plot Thickens

Pray for those in the Church of Scotland who are standing for biblical orthodoxy

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The Valley of Vision - The Throne

It was my birthday recently and a big birthday at that. I received many wonderful presents from family and friends one of which was an inspiring book of Puritan prayers edited by Arthur Bennett. I thought I might share one or two of them with you. This one is entitled, "The Throne",

Thy Throne of grace is the pleasure ground of my soul.
Here I obtain mercy in time of need,

here see the smile of thy reconciled face,
here joy pleads the name of Jesus,
here I sharpen the sword of the Spirit,
anoint the shield of faith,
put on the helmet of salvation,
gather manna from thy Word,
am strengthend for each conflict,
nerved for the upward race,
empowered to conquer every foe;;
Help me to come to Christ
as the fountainhead of descending blessings,
as the wide open flood-gate of mercy.
I marvel at my insensate folly, that
with such enriching favours within my reach
I am slow to extend the hand to take them
Have mercy upon my deadness for thy Name's sake.
Quicken me, stir me, fill me with holy zeal.
Strengthen me that I may cling to thee
and not let thee go.
May they Spirit within me draw all blessings
from thy hand.
When I advance not, I backslide.
Let me walk humbly because of good omitted
and evil done.
Impress on my mind the shortness of time,
the work to be engaged in,
the account to be rendered,
the nearness of eternity,
the fearful sin of despising thy Spirit.
May I never forget that
thy eye always sees,
thy ear always hears,
thy recording hand always writes.
May I never give thee rest until Christ is
the pulse of my heart
the spokesman of my lips,
the lamp of my feet.