Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Gospel Finances


As you know if you have been keeping up to date with the blog recently I am enjoying working my way through the book GOSPEL by JD Greear and the latest chapter on handling our finances through a Gospel framework was particularly challenging and pertinent.  So I thoughts I would put the headlines here so you can feel the challenge too smiley1 .



The Gospel Generosity Matrix:
  1. God gives excess to some so that they can share with those who have less
  2. Jesus’ radical generosity toward us serves as a model and a motivation for our radical generosity.
  3. The Holy Spirit must guide us as to which sacrifices we, personally, are to make.
  4. God DOES enjoy in our enjoyment of His material gifts
  5. God, not money, should be our primary source of beauty and security
  6. wealth-building can be wise


Greear, then makes the great point that we all we want to know is how much a Christian should give, a tithe, more?  Well I think he is right that this stems from our hearts that  love laws to follow so we can earn God’s acceptance, the reality really is a challenge of the heart and it is that he tackles with the following questions:


  • What does your spending show that you delight in?
  • What does your savings show you find security in?
  • Whose kingdom are you building?

Please if you find the above helpful or challenging, then please get the book, it is very practical and challenging.

God Bless



  1. May just buy this myself ... Sounds like a good read.

  2. It is a good read, whoever you are :)


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