It seems that the question, ‘Should I vote Lib Dem?’ is one which half the country is asking at the moment! I’ve just had the privilege of spending an hour and half with John Love the local Lib Dem candidate. He has been active in local politics for years and is currently a sitting North Lanarkshire Councillor. I asked him about the place faith had in his own life. He told me that he was a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ and that he was an Elder in the Church of Scotland in a local congregation. He told me that the reason he got involved in politics was as an expression of his Christian faith, and he indicated that since it was his Christian faith that led him into politics; that faith would shape how he reacted politically. There were three areas I wanted to speak to him about:
The Sanctity of Marriage
The Sanctity of Human Life; and
Religious Liberty
Let’s take them one at a time.
The Sanctity of Marriage – I asked John what his position was on the issue of same-sex marriage. Nick Clegg is the only main party leader so far to advocate the legalisation of same-sex marriage. (This would mean ‘civil partnership’ being upgraded to a full bone fide marriage). John was very clear in his view that a marriage, by definition, could only be between a man and woman. He accepted that the state may wish to assign a legal status to other types of unions but was emphatic that this is not marriage.
In relation to family issues and adoption, I asked John for his view on same sex couples being allowed to adopt children. John indicated that he opposed the policy of allowing same sex couples to adopt children and was concerned about the negative effect this policy had had on religious adoption agencies.
The Sanctity of Life – We then moved on to discuss life. The Liberal Democrat policy is that they would allow MP’s a free vote on the issue of reducing the time limit for abortions to below 24 weeks. I asked John how he would vote if elected and called to vote on such an issue. He indicated that he would vote to reduce the time limit below 24 weeks, since he is against abortion except in limited circumstances. He indicated that he was fundamentally against ‘abortion on demand’.
In relation to embryo destructive research; animal/human embryos; and saviour siblings, John indicated that he was against the creation of life for scientific experimentation. He indicated that life is in God’s hands and that we ought not to be ‘playing God’ with lives.
The Liberal Democrats are also committed to a free vote on the issue of assisted suicide and euthanasia. When I asked John for his view on this issue he indicated that he was fundamentally opposed to all forms of assisted suicide and euthanasia, acknowledging that all of life was in God’s hands.
Religious Liberty – Under this heading we chatted about the Equality Bill 2010 and various free speech issues. John indicated that he was very much in favour of the state ensuring equality of treatment. He did recognise the need for churches and church based organisations to be entitled to employ Christians without interference from the state. Further he was committed to the rights of Christians to speak and live according to their Christian conscience.
If elected John would respect, uphold and protect the right of Christians to hold and express Christian beliefs and act according to Christian conscience.
So in a week where the Lib Dems are riding high in the polls, here is the view from the Airdrie and Shotts candidate! I would like to express my sincere thanks to John Love for taking time out of his schedule to spend an hour and half chatting through these issues with me. It is greatly appreciated.
So, now, off in search of the SNP and Labour candidates! I also hear that an independent candidate is also standing; if any of you have a contact number for him/her then perhaps you could pass it on to me. We want to hear from the Independent as well. From your election eager beaver; over and out!
Very intresting indeed!
ReplyDeleteDid you ask him why he's a Lib Dem?!
ReplyDeleteVery interesting and encouraging responses from John Love, and good he took the time to see you too.
Thanks for your work on this- it's both very interesting and very helpful.