"The man who is trying to be a Christian is trying to hold on to something. The man who is a Christian feels that he is being held by something. It has been put to him, it is there; it may even seem to be in spite of him, but it is there. It is not what he is doing that matters to him; it is what has been done to him." - Martyn Lloyd-Jones What do you think?
Weekend A La Carte (March 8)
[image: A La Carte Collection cover image]A La Carte: The maturation of New
Calvinism / The class divide over screen time / New from the Gettys /
Getting o...
21 hours ago
All I can say to that is Amen! For if I was the one trying to hold on to God then I would have been lost long ago, I am thankful that He is the one holding me, He is the one that opened my eyes to see the wonder of His Son, and He is the one that will see me through to the end. Thank you Jesus, the AUTHOR and perfecter of my Faith.
ReplyDeleteI agree with all that is said,for if we all thought that we have to hold on to God,what a sorry state we would be in. I thank God that he is forever holding on to me and mine. When I look back on my life I can see where God has been holding on to me,We all come through very rough times but those Footprints says it all.
ReplyDeleteMargaret Coyle
Extract from Puritan and Reformed Writings: 'The Poor Man's Portion' by Robert Hawker.
ReplyDeleteThey who are kept, "are kept by the power of God, through faith unto salvation." Here is the solution of the whole subject. With what humbleness of soul, then, ought every child of God to fall down before the throne of grace, under the deepest sense of distinguishing love, in the consciousness that it is divine restraint, and not creature merit, which makes all the difference. Help me, Lord, to go humbly all my days in this view, and let it be my morning thought, as well as my mid-day and evening meditation, that I am kept by your power, through faith unto salvation.
Great comments folks, really though provoking and inspiring