"The life of a Christian is one perpetual good work which God begins, continues, and completes." - Ulrich Zwingli (1484 - 1531)Discuss
A La Carte (March 6)
[image: A La Carte Collection cover image]A La Carte: Mystic at heart / The
complexities of Bible translation / Pastors are not political pundits / The
21 hours ago
This is a paraphrase of an assuring promise in Phil 1 v 6 so Zwingli certainly wasn't the first to think of it! I know in my own life that it is only by God's grace and strength that I am kept in His way and I trust Him to keep me until he completes the work He begun in me despite my failures and ups and downs. It is reassuring that it is all of God and not of me.
ReplyDeleteYou're right! Both Phil 1:6 and Zwingli's paraphrase are wonderful assurnaces to look to Christ and not to ourselves. A lesson we need learn and re-learn many times as we journey through the Christian life
ReplyDeleteCan I throw this in to the discussion: IF it is all of Christ from beginning to end (which I agree with) How does this relate to issues such as people who come along and occupy pews in churches worldwide and never get involved, I assume we would all agree that as believers it is important to actively serve, however, could those not involved not counter that it is all of Christ and they are exactly where He wants them and that if they are to be actively involved then He will lead them there? Sorry just a fuzzy Monday thought for you to unravel.
ReplyDeleteAs you know Jim sitting on a pew does not guarantee there will be or has been salvation. In Philippians 1 Paul goes on to pray that the believers will show the fruits of righteousness. There is no doubt that if God has begun a good work in us - giving new life, keeping and changing us and taking us to Heaven then there should be fruits of the spirit evident in our lives - if not has there been a work begun? However, does the fruit of the spirit always result in actively serving within the local church or can it be evident in other ways; in the home, in the workplace, at play and in prayer life? Or can, as a friend put it, a person be "on the gospel express but in the sleeping compartment"?