In some ways and for a particular group of people (of which I am one) the title of this post doesn’t quite seem right. There is a phrase that in recent years has really taken hold within some evangelical circles, namely, “Holy Discontent”". By using this phrase, people are driving at keeping moving forward for God, to strive for better, to not settle for what we have but rather believe God has more to do among us, and I truly subscribe to having a healthy doze of “Holy Discontentment” , therefore, it is perhaps all the stranger that the title of this post is “Holy Contentment”.
So what am I saying then?
Well, let me explain, as usual it is borne out of the book I am reading, Gospel by J.D. Greear. What has driven this post is the part of the Gospel prayer from the book that says:
“You are all I need today for everlasting joy”
As I have mulled that over, it has really struck me how impacted I have been with this materialistic world view that is all around us. When you boil it all down, all the marketing and advertisements around us are geared towards stoking up our discontentment. Whether it be discontentment with your mobile phone or your toilet roll, the message is the same - you are missing out! Having this world view drive our materialistic society is all well and good, however, if it seeps in to our spiritual life, as it often does, then we are in trouble.
So I urge you to join me this week in focusing on the Gospel, let the truth that in Christ, the Father’s love, acceptance and presence is all we need today for everlasting joy. Please, like me, resist the message of the world that tell us we never have enough, there is always something better to be desired. Proclaim with me this week: